Colored Squares on Toothpaste
The most popular colors are blue, red, green, and black. It’s neither a personal preference nor a hint about the ingredients used to make the toothpaste. The following are the two most widely held hypotheses. The colored blocks on the tube, on the other hand, are “eye points.” They instruct the assembly line machines about where to cut and fold the packaging. If it weren’t for it, toothpaste tubes would be stuck to your toothbrush, making it difficult to apply toothpaste.
Keyboard Bumps
If you ever took a typing class in high school, you’ll understand why those bumps appear on those keys. The bumps on the keyboard are designed to help users navigate the keyboard while keeping their eyes on the computer. Your left pointer finger should be on F and your right pointer finger should be on J if you’re typing with two hands correctly. You can tell if your hands are well balanced and ready to work without looking at the keyboard by feeling these bumps on your fingertips.