How To Use Regular Household Items To Make Life Easier

Published on 09/25/2019

Coat Hangers Made With Wood

You can use wooden coat hangers to spice up your closet but they are also useful in keeping creepy crawlies and moths away from your clothes. Insects get attracted to heavy clothing, especially wool garments, but the cedar wood in these hangers smell pleasant and repels bugs and moths.

Coat Hangers Made With Wood

Coat Hangers Made With Wood


Juice Box Flaps

You can see here that the heavy top flaps are folded outward. This makes it easier to hold a juice box. This design was created because kids ages 2 to 10 were considered. Their tiny hands can hold the box better with the flaps folded this way. However, you can use this trick at any age!

Juice Box Flaps

Juice Box Flaps