How To Use Regular Household Items To Make Life Easier

Published on 09/25/2019

Shirt Loops

These loops can be found on shirts and some nice collared shirts. Apparently, the Navy started this practice because there is limited closet space out at sea and they had to hang their shirts on hooks. In the 1960s, college students hung their shirts during gym class to keep them neat and wrinkle-free. These days, loops are added because they symbolize class and quality.

Shirt Loops

Shirt Loops


Gas Gauge Arrow

Those who drive cars have probably noticed the arrow next to the fuel gauge since most cars manufactured starting in 2010 until now have this. This arrow reminds the driver whether the fuel cap is on the left or right side of the car. This is pretty useful if the car is brand-new or if it is a rental.

Gas Gauge Arrow

Gas Gauge Arrow