How To Use Regular Household Items To Make Life Easier

Published on 09/25/2019

Color Code Your Keys

We’re pretty sure just about everyone has more than one key, whether it’s for the house, the mailbox, or anything else. It can be very easy to mix them up and forget which one is for what. One annoying this is standing by your front door trying to figure out which key is the right one. Well, one way to avoid this problem is by painting each key a different color! This way, you’ll be able to differentiate between them with no problem.


Color Code Your Keys

Color Code Your Keys


Tennis Balls Can Protect Your Floors

The squeaky sound your chair makes when it slides against the ground is a dreadful one, without a doubt. A simple solution to this problem is by taking some tennis balls and cutting a slit in each one. Then, you can place one on the foot of each chair. Not only will this solve the annoying sound problem, but it will also keep your floor scuff-free!


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Tennis Balls Can Protect Your Floors