These Are The Things Most People With High Intelligence Do

Published on 12/02/2020

They Stay In Shape

If you keep your heart healthy, you keep your mind in tip-top condition as well. Studies have shown us that a lower BMI could be a high IQ predictor. Another plausible answer for this is that a family with more money will also consume healthier and nutritious food. Not just that, but a more prosperous family also has more access to healthcare benefits and fitness centers. They will concentrate on nurturing their minds with fewer worries!

They Stay In Shape

They Stay In Shape


They Own A Cat

People complain all the time over dogs and cats. However, there is already scientific proof that individuals who prefer feline fur babies appear to have higher intellect. Dog lovers are more social, the grapevine claims, while cat owners seem to be more extroverted. A study said in 2014 that “cat individuals” sometimes display more vital cognitive skills. They also spend more time reading and the like, researchers claim.

They Own A Cat

They Own A Cat