These Are The Things Most People With High Intelligence Do

Published on 12/02/2020

The Left-Handed People

Lefties are rejoicing! According to Maria Konnikova in 1995, “Researchers found that the more marked the left-handed preference in a group of males, the better they were at tests of divergent thought.” Most of the world has dominant right-handedness, whereas about a tenth of the population is left-handed. We can see why this will give them a different outlook on the world.

The Left Handed People

The Left-Handed People


If You Are Taller Than Most

Did you believe that when it comes to intelligence, height is an element? The height of an infant before starting school may be a predictor, studies indicate. Rumour has it that on intelligence exams, taller children appear to get better scores. This does not immediately imply that they are smarter, but their intellect must play a part in its production.

If You Are Taller Than Most

If You Are Taller Than Most