We Bet You Did Not Know These Things About Iran

Published on 10/07/2018

Iranian Hostage Crisis

The American embassy in Tehran was featured in headlines back in 1979. This was the time that a group of radical Islamists took over and held 52 hostages. They demanded that Shah Pahlavi is released so that he could be persecuted for all of his “crimes against Iranian citizens”. At this time, he was suffering from cancer in America. The hostage crisis lasted a total of 444 days.

Iranian Hostage Crisis

Iranian Hostage Crisis


Gender Equality

During the Iranian Revolution of 1979, Iran’s legal system was changed back to the Islamic law. This transition meant women fell to a lower tier and that they were legally and mentally inferior to their male counterpart. According to the government, gender equality was merely a Zionist social construct.

Gender Equality

Gender Equality