The Quest To Look For An Accurate Portrayal Of Jesus Christ

Published on 08/19/2020

Out Of This World Accessories

With the arrival of certain tools and technology, historical experts have since found out that these images are not factual. One of the things that they noticed was the accessories that he wore. The Messiah was drawn wearing items that were not in fashion during that period of time. You have probably seen photos showing the Messiah on a fancy royal chair or with a halo over his head. Needless to say, these things just do not make a lick of sense. After doing more research on Jesus Christ, Joan Taylor reached the conclusion that he was an ordinary man who lived a simple life.

Out Of This World Accessories

Out Of This World Accessories


What Is Written In The Bible?

There are religious folks who would refer to the writings in the Bible. In fact, some of them even use the book as proof of what they are fighting for. We are referring to the appearance of Jesus Christ and his contemporaries from that time period. There are plenty of clues scattered in the book that should give us all an idea. If you ever read the book, you will see that he was described to be an average man who did not stand out from the crowd. He was just like any other man during that era.

What Is Written In The Bible

What Is Written In The Bible?