The Quest To Look For An Accurate Portrayal Of Jesus Christ

Published on 08/19/2020

Unclear Explanations

There are also a number of vague explanations that would explain why Jesus Christ was made to look like that in so many works of art. In the past, artists did not shy away from using poetic license when working on his portrait. On top of that, we also need to consider the art style that they used. Many artists back then wanted to infuse symbolic meaning to their portraits as well.

Unclear Explanations

Unclear Explanations


The Good Shepherd

Just look at the paintings of the Messiah in the grassland with many sheep around him. Allegorical artists did this so that they can portray Jesus Christ as “the good shepherd.” This was meant to symbolize that He was the shepherd of the people. The job was supposed to signify that he was a suitable leader who everyone should follow. In reality, however, these paintings were created during the early Roman age. These works of art were often found in Rome, which was located far from His actual homeland.

The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd