Judge Judy: Behind the Scenes of America’s Beloved Courtroom Series

Published on 03/20/2018

The Audience On The Other Hand…

When it comes to the audience, it’s not so real. Viewers who regularly tune in will note that sometimes the same faces appear in the audience. Those people are paid extras, who are often aspiring actors, earn $8 an hour just to sit and look attentive. Those who wish to join the audience need to email their contact information and a clear headshot to the production coordinators of Judge Judy.

The Audience On The Other Hand...

The Audience On The Other Hand…


Casual Jane

As we all know, Jude Judy will criticize litigants who show up to her courtroom dressed in “beach attire” or skimpy clothing. However she herself is usually dressed in jeans and a T-shirt or tank top. Guess it’s easy to hide when you’ve got a long robe on and sit behind a massive desk.

Casual Jane

Casual Jane