Mars: the most astonishing and captivating images from the Red Planet

Published on 01/02/2024

It looks like plastic waste but it isn’t

When a rover or satellite captures an image on Mars that looks unusual, it’s likely that the explanation is simply a rock with a strange shape. Even if an object appears to be made of a different material, this is unlikely to be the case. But that doesn’t mean it never happens. In fact, one of these strange photos of Mars features an object made of plastic. As is often the case, there was a simple explanation for this. It turned out that the object in the image on the left had apparently fallen off the Curiosity rover that took the photo. Nevertheless, it’s understandable why some people might be puzzled, as the object in the second image also appears to be plastic, when it’s actually a thin flake of rock.

Ça Ressemble À Un Déchet En Plastique Mais Ça N’en Est Pas Un

It Looks Like Plastic Waste But It’s Not


Weeds on Mars are just debris

The landscapes of Earth and Mars are markedly different, but there are certain similarities between the two. For example, if we remove color from the equation, our terrestrial deserts are not so far removed from those on the Red Planet. What’s more, it seems that Mars has its own variant of wild plants. This discovery was made by NASA’s Perseverance rover in July 2022, attracting the attention of many observers. According to the team in charge of the rover, it was actually a net that had become detached from the landing site of the Perseverance rover’s entry, descent and landing system.

Les Mauvaises Herbes Sur Mars Ne Seraient Que Des Débris

Weeds On Mars Would Only Be Debris