Mars: the most astonishing and captivating images from the Red Planet

Published on 01/02/2024

Volcanic grains?

Igneous, or volcanic, rocks have also been found on the floor of Jezero’s crater. That wasn’t a surprise; views from space showed that volcanic rocks should be there, and scientists hoped to get some to help them figure out how old the rocks really are back on Earth. What we know about the past on Mars right now comes from the sizes of craters and the ages of rocks from the moon, and it’s not very accurate.

Volcanic Grains

Volcanic Grains


First sample attempt

When the rover team tried to drill into that same rock on August 6, it held more shocks. The team was thrilled that the drill went so well. The artificial system that Stack Morgan worked on was one of the most complicated ever made and it worked perfectly the first time. “Oh my god, this is amazing,” they said.

First Sample Attempt

First Sample Attempt