After 50 Years, High School Sweethearts Get Reunited, Search For Child They Had Given Up

Published on 12/19/2019

Broken Hearts

The pair were broken hearted, and even though they had began to move on, it was tough. Nobody can predict how long it may take however. Unfortunately it all depends on the amount of time you spent with the person and how intense the love was. Heartbreak recovery is much easier if you get on with your life however, and this is what both Karen and Dennis did.

Broken Hearts

Broken Hearts


Closer Than They Thought

Even though it had been some time now where that hadn’t spoken, and they had started to get on with their lives; the two were actually in closer vicinity then they thought. Both ended up studying at the University of Minnesota. Karen studied Interior Design, receiving a Bachelor of Science, while Dennis studied English Language and Literature. They led different lives however and moved on to starting their own families.


Closer Than They Thought