After 50 Years, High School Sweethearts Get Reunited, Search For Child They Had Given Up

Published on 12/19/2019

An Anxious Wait

Dennis waited anxiously in the airport for his flight to be called. The direct flight would take around 3 hours and to say Dennis was nervous would be an understatement! Sure they had become familiar with each other once again through email, but he hadn’t seen her for so long! The last time she saw him he was a prospective football star, would the feelings still be there?

An Anxious Wait

An Anxious Wait


A Long Flight

When Dennis finally got onto the flight, it really felt like 30 hours rather than 3! It just felt like everything was slowing the process down. A slight delay here, slow boarding there; it just seemed like everything wasn’t going to plan! The flight was full, children were shouting and running up and down and Dennis felt like he was clock watching the whole time. How was Karen feeling?

A Long Flight

A Long Flight