40+ Mistakes From The Titanic Movie That Viewers Never Noticed Over The Years

Published on 12/14/2023

Murky water

Sometimes directors must make judgments based on what appears better, at the expense of part of their credibility. When we were watching Titanic, it never occured to us that even the water didn’t look quite right. In fact, the water would be significantly darker, murkier, and teeming with sea life. That would have been far more true to life, but it would have been a headache to film, not to mention a disaster in terms of cinematography.

Murky Water

Murky Water


Up and down we go

As the ship sinks and Jack and Rose struggle to the upper deck, Jack urges that Rose board a lifeboat. He’s so insistent that she gets a seat on one of these boats, but she changes her mind after seeing Jack up on the deck and knows she might never see him again. When they lower the boat, it appears to have sunk about 10 feet below where it began. The camera then cuts to Jack and Cal talking for roughly 40 seconds. Even though the crew kept lowering the boat as they talked, Rose is only approximately 5 feet below the next time we see her on the boat. That is illogical!

Up And Down We Go

Up And Down We Go