40+ Mistakes From The Titanic Movie That Viewers Never Noticed Over The Years

Published on 12/14/2023

The disappearance of the suspenders

Whether you’ve seen Titanic or not, everyone remembers the famous scene in which Rose uses an axe to help Jack free himself from his restraints. But have you noticed this minor detail? Jack appears to be wearing suspenders at the start of the action, but they quickly vanish. Did he simply determine they were impeding his style and remove them? But he couldn’t take them off because his hands were locked by the cuffs!

The Case Of The Missing Suspenders

The disappearance of the suspenders


He wasn’t a coward

While the film depicted Cal employing a child to board a lifeboat, there was another narrative that didn’t make it into the film but was widely circulated after the Titanic sank. According to the report, White Star Line chairman Bruce Ismay disguised himself as a lady in order to sneak into one of the lifeboats. In the film, we see him boarding one of the boats with women and children. In reality, he assisted several other passengers before securing a seat on the last lifeboat.

He Wasn’t A Coward

He Wasn’t A Coward