Disgusting Food Concepts That Baby Boomers Refuse To Give Up

Published on 06/17/2024

Canned Soup

It’s evident that Boomers and Millennials have distinct interests and tastes. There’s also a lot of soup bubbling beneath the surface. Millennials are big fans of using ingredients that are fresh and sourced locally. Boomers frequently opt for the reliable canned option. Canner soup requires no preparation and is ready to consume. Millennials like soups made with carefully chosen, freshly cooked ingredients because they are infatuated with the flavor of freshness. Making a tasty soup at home is the easiest thing ever. Why accept aluminum’s metallic aftertaste? Furthermore, canned soup contains a lot of preservatives and sodium. Not to mention the widespread chemical BPA, which is present in canned goods, and its possible health hazards.

Canned Soup

Canned Soup


Meat And Potatoes

With a feast fit for a king, who needs a balanced diet? The Boomer slogan is: please, more meat, more potatoes, and more stodge! Really, who is to blame for them? Every mouthful mattered during the wartime rations that this generation experienced. Veggies? Which veggies? This is a Millennial’s greatest nightmare, not surprisingly. There are undoubtedly many worse dishes out there, but meat and potatoes go together okay. Nevertheless, this meal begs for fiber; any kind of leaf would do. Starchy carbohydrates and excessive red meat consumption are not your best friends. Think about a little lettuce leaf or two, to keep things in perspective.

Meat And Potatoes

Meat And Potatoes