Disgusting Food Concepts That Baby Boomers Refuse To Give Up

Published on 06/17/2024

Paper Napkins

Boomers, you can’t get away with this. Consider how many paper napkins you use for a single dinner. Much like a billion! You are to blame for the choking of the waters. Paper napkins appear to be in decline, according to recent market study, and guess who gets the blame (credit) for it? Yes, that’s right—millennials. Napkins are an ancient custom that appears to be changing, and millennials are leading the charge. People appear to think that paper towels may easily take the place of paper napkins when cost is an issue or that cloth napkins are a better option if environmental concerns are more important. Hopefully, eventually, everyone will switch to using cloth napkins.

Paper Napkins

Paper Napkins



If you’re a baby boomer, you probably have strong sentimental feelings about products like Hostess and Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes K. And when Saturday mornings meant sitting down in front of the television with a bowl of cereal in front of your eyes, transfixed to the screen. However, let’s take a moment to discuss cornflakes—the most sleep-inducing cereal to ever grace our breakfast bowls. Let’s face it: cornflakes are the definition of boring. The taste buds are not at all excited by these roasted, flavorless corn flakes. The allure of a depressing, sodden pool of tasteless grief in milk is lost on us.

