25+ Fashion Choices That Make You Look Older

Published on 02/13/2020


Who doesn’t love a good brooch? They can add a unique element to a classic outfit. The mistake is wearing one with every single outfit, every single day. While brooches can be worn in a stylish way, they still have an old-fashioned feel to them. Wearing them too often or too many of them at once will give the impression that you’re older than you actually are. If you find yourself debating if to add a brooch to an outfit, the answer will be ‘no’ 90% of the time.




Forgetting A Belt

Showing off your figure at any age will be flattering for most women. At times, there can be clothing items that don’t show off the waistline, and that’s fine. In this case, it’s a good idea to grab a belt to add that element. Loose-fitting clothing can be cute once in a while when done correctly, having a straight line down the torso can be terribly unflattering and aging. So, just make sure to have a classic belt you can pair with multiple garments you have.

Forgetting A Belt

Forgetting A Belt