The Comfiest And Coziest Sleeping Spot
It looks like this bird has been taking a nape with a jacket and a sweater on. This is not the case. This photo was shared by a Reddit user who said, “This is Ender, my conure.” She added that the bird likes to sleep on top of her chest! No, the bird is not the one dressed in clothes as he was just lying on top of his owner. At any rate, he looks way comfier than the others. If you are curious about the birds, you should know that they are a “group of small to medium-sized parrots… found in the Western Hemisphere.”

The Comfiest And Coziest Sleeping Spot
Movies Can Help You Fall Asleep
We are sure that you have dozed off in the middle of a film at least once or twice in your life. It is far too easy to fall asleep when you are on the couch with a movie playing on your TV. It looks like this cat got it all wrong. He is not chilling while watching Netflix as he fell asleep on the DVD rack. It is not going to be comfy for any of us, but it does not matter to him. It looks like comfort is a very different thing to him.

Movies Can Help You Fall Asleep