She Does Not Need A Pillow
How cute is this?! This pooch is so tiny that she has no problems fitting into a tennis shoe. She looks like she is cozy there since she has all the shoulder and neck support that she needs. We are sure that this was a big deal to her. But there is another theory that can explain what is going on in this photo. Maybe the odor in the shoe knocked her out! This doesn’t seem likely as it looks new, but you never know.

She Does Not Need A Pillow
Not A Care In The World
Aww, will you look at this photo of a mama otter with her baby? She is swimming, but the pup is just along for the ride. He is on her belly and does not have to do anything, so he fell asleep. This is not an uncommon scene since mothers often have to carry their kids when they are still this small. We are sure that we would also fall asleep in this situation. This otter is sure lucky that he has such a strong mom!

Not A Care In The World