Falling Asleep Up Above The World So High
At a glance, it is far too easy to assume that something dangerous is taking place here. It is not every single day that you find a big bear peacefully sleeping above a telephone pole. You might be surprised to hear that these creatures can balance in tall trees and like to sleep in high branches. It is done to avoid predators while they catch some Z’s. We can tell that he had no idea that it was not a tree branch but a telephone pole. In the end, what matters is that he is comfy. Still, this is too dangerous for our taste.

Falling Asleep Up Above The World So High
His Flexibility Is Putting Us To Shame
We wonder how many yoga classes this cat has taken in his life! Only the most flexible among us can sleep like this. We can feel a pain in our back just from looking at it. This feline is so relaxed that he does not even notice that he is slipping out from the purple blanket. We hope that he does not fall right onto his head since that does not sound like a nice way to wake up. Can someone please change his position?

His Flexibility Is Putting Us To Shame