The Flowerbox Is Not A Flowerbed
Do not worry, you are not the only one at a loss for words here. How did the raccoon fall asleep in the flowerbox in the first place? We do not know, but she might have fallen backward into it and decided that it was the right spot for a nap. When she wakes up, she will have to get out of there and deal with cricks. This does not look like the best position for any animal to sleep in. Most of the time, these creatures sleep in hollow trees or dens. Yes, this one is certainly an exception to the rule.

The Flowerbox Is Not A Flowerbed
A Serving Of Kitten Coming Right Up
The cat in the photo passed out in a bowl. But how on earth did she even get there? Perhaps her owner poured her in there to see how she would react. This is one of the best things about being a fur parent. To their surprise and delight, the feline did not mind sleeping like this. We all know that cats are second to none when it comes to sleeping anytime and anywhere. She must have thought that it was comfier than curling up into a tight ball. This is a peaceful photo that we just cannot get enough of. We love her!

A Serving Of Kitten Coming Right Up