He Is Not Scared Of Heights
Maybe it is actually a lot easier to fall asleep on top of a pole than any of us ever thought. This raccoon was able to climb up there with little effort! Isn’t it impressive to see how he manages to stay balanced at the top? Even though his body is too big for the pole, it does not get in the way of his balancing act. We can’t even wrap our heads around the fact that he did it while asleep. Hopefully, he is a light sleeper. After all, it is going to be way too easy to fall down if he is startled awake.

He Is Not Scared Of Heights
This Is Our Favorite Kind Of Wine
Isn’t this the cutest thing that you have ever seen? This little kitty dozed off in a wine glass and does not look bothered in the slightest. She must have been playing with her owners, who wanted to see how well she would hold up in tight places. They put her in the wine glass and saw her fall asleep right before their eyes. We are sure that they could not stop squealing as this took place! If you want a scientific explanation, this can perhaps be chalked down to being reminded of what it was like in the womb.

This Is Our Favorite Kind Of Wine