Comfort Does Not Matter To Him
Don’t you just love seeing cats hanging out by the window to take in the sunlight? This cat must have been getting a little too much of it since he looks very comfortable in such a weird position. He passed out on the guard rails, but we are mystified by the way he balances his whole body there. It does not look like it offers a lot of support, right? Still, let us not forget that cats are agile and flexible by nature. It is amazing to see it in action. We would kill to have the same reflexes that these adorable creatures do!

Comfort Does Not Matter To Him
He Is There To Protect The Food
Have you ever seen anything cuter than this? This little fellow fell asleep on top of the food in the food dish. This is too precious! We can just tell that he was eating as much as he could but could no longer move once he was done with his meal. He only closed his eyes for a second but ended up conking out! This is too much food for a single puppy, so we bet that this one belongs to his mom. At any rate, we can’t help but grin at the thought of this baby eating too much food for his own good.

He Is There To Protect The Food