The King Of The Jungle Is Fast Asleep
No one will ever be eager to go up against the king of the jungle. The lion must have known this, which explains why he decided to doze off in a position like this one. He does not seem concerned with being regal and majestic in his sleep. With his legs in the air, he was splayed out on his back. He sure looks super relaxed. In fact, we would not at all be surprised if we see drool falling out from his mouth. That would be embarrassing, but we doubt that anyone would be brave enough to tease him for it.

The King Of The Jungle Is Fast Asleep
Falling Asleep On Top Of Ice
Can you believe that this squirrel fell asleep in a bowl of ice? Humans will probably shudder at the thought of doing the same thing, but this little fellow looks like he is in a state of total bliss. This was shot at Oklahoma during a heat wave. A local woman was worried about the squirrels suffering from the intense heat and left out cups and bowls full of ice to help them manage. It looks like her plan worked to great success! This critter was so happy with what she did that he ended up passing out while cooling off. That does not sound like a bad way to beat the heat whatsoever.

Falling Asleep On Top Of Ice