You Would Never Want To Encounter These Dangerous Snakes In Your Life

Published on 02/20/2020

Snakes might be legless, clawless, and often toothless, but this has not stopped them from being the most dangerous and spookiest animals on Earth. The most dangerous snakes have bites that can kill a person unbelievably fast. What is it about their venom that makes it such a big threat?

You Would Never Want To Encounter These Dangerous Snakes In Your Life

You Would Never Want To Encounter These Dangerous Snakes In Your Life

You see, snake venom is basically saliva with a number of zootoxins. Some of them can damage the nervous system and cause paralysis. There are others that kill cells, which leads to horrifying gangrene, injuries, and amputation. Aside from these, there are toxins that lead to uncontrollable bleeding and cause blood clots in the body. If that is not enough for you, they are also very painful. These are only a couple of traits possessed by the most dangerous snakes on the planet. Keep reading to find out which one can grow as long as 19 feet or can aim at you from 23 feet away. Mind you, some of these dangerous snakes were even worshipped as gods in some cultures.


Coastal Taipan

There is an old joke going around about how every animal found in Australia wants to kill you. The Common or Coastal Taipan might be one of the reasons for this. It lives in New Guinea and Australia. Its venom comes with neurotoxin so potent that it can kill a victim in only half an hour after the bite. If you ever get bitten by it, we just hope that you will be able to go to the hospital right away.

Coastal Taipan

Coastal Taipan