You Would Never Want To Encounter These Dangerous Snakes In Your Life

Published on 02/20/2020

Common Krait

There are more deadly snakes in India than you might think. The Common Krait can be found across the subcontinent is also part of the ‘big four’ species that cause most of the snakebite fatalities in the area. The striking animal has black and white ring patterns, which means that it can blend in with the light and shadows on the forest floor. This animal might be non-aggressive, but it waits to deliver the max dose of venom.

Common Krait

Common Krait


Russell’s Viper

City-dwellers across Southeast Asia and India live in fear of this snake. Why is that? Russell’s Viper is a venomous creature that can grow as long as 6 feet. It mostly feeds on rodents. Its hunger for tiny mammals brings it to urban areas. It accounts for a huge percentage of snakebite deaths in the area.

Russell's Viper

Russell’s Viper