You Would Never Want To Encounter These Dangerous Snakes In Your Life

Published on 02/20/2020

Forest Cobra

The Forest Cobra, aka the black cobra, aka the white-lipped cobra is native to Africa and is the largest true cobra species. Including the tail, it grows up to 10 feet long. Yikes. As we all know, cobras can be quite lethal, so let’s just hope we never run into one.

Forest Cobra

Forest Cobra



The best-known venomous snake in all the wealthy and populated areas of Southeastern Brazil, the Jararaca is lethal. In fact, between 1902 and 1945, this snake was responsible for around 52% (3,446 cases) of snakebites, with a total of 0.7% mortality rates (25 deaths). Of course, their venom is deadly.

