You Would Never Want To Encounter These Dangerous Snakes In Your Life

Published on 02/20/2020


Meet the Boomslang, which is a gorgeous emerald green snake found in sub-Saharan Africa. When it bites, it will open its jaws at nearly 180 degrees and then inject a concentrated venom with the fangs at the back of the jawbone. It is a silent killer, which means that the symptoms will not appear until a few hours after the bite. A lot of victims assume that they are fine and that medical treatment is unnecessary. This is one mistake that could cost you your life. You would not want to make this error.




Indian Cobra

This must be the most famous of all the known cobra species. Mind you, the real version is a lot more deadly than what Disney might have you believe. The Indian cobra can be found all over the Indian subcontinent. It has a venom that can cause paralysis and even a heart attack only 15 minutes after it bites. The deadly snake has a vital part in local legends, myths, and even the Hindu religion. It is a protected species as well.

Indian Cobra

Indian Cobra