Paul Westerberg – $9 million
Greatest Hits: Backlash, Dyslexic Heart
Alt-rock artist Paul Westerberg was a part of the alt-rock band The Replacements in the 1980s. When the band was disbanded, a solo career started. He approached The Replacements as a janitor. He watched the band play, followed the songs, and talked his way into joining the band. He tried to get into the band by convincing the lead singer that his fellow members would fire him, forcing the si.
Robert Johnson – $500,000 (estate)
Greatest Hits: Terraplane Blues, Come On In My Kitchen
Founded in 1911, Robert Johnson is considered a blues pioneer and Delta blues master. His life wasn’t well-documented, but his music continues on and stories surround his name. He only performed in a few recording sessions, producing 29 songs that weren’t famous in his lifetime. Producer Don Law published the songs as singles after Johnson’s death.