50+ Photos Of Our Favorite Athletes Of All Time

Published on 03/05/2021

Vasily Alexeyev

Vasily Alexeyev, a Russian weightlifter, had successfully finished a Clean & Jerk without a problem on the day of a weightlifting contest in January 1969. Between 1970 to 1977, Alexeyev’s strength and hard work had achieved 80 world records. People recognized Vasily Alexeyev as the best heavyweight weightlifter in history.

Vasily Alexeyev

Vasily Alexeyev


Roberto Clemente

On June 16, 1972, Pirates won over the San Diego Padres with a 2-1. The Pittsburgh Pirates star Roberto Clemente hits a ball from a San Diego Padres pitcher. Unfortunately, it was the last season that Clemente played in the league. The athlete passed away because of a plane crash in December of that year.

Roberto Clemente

Roberto Clemente