Think Long And Hard Before You Get A Tattoo To Avoid Ending Up Like These People

Published on 09/23/2020

A Spoof Of The Smurfs

Let us be frank with you… we have no idea what this was meant to be. Maybe this was how their kid depicted a Smurf in the drawings. Still, we have no idea why they went with this for the design for a tattoo. Oh well, this is one of our favorites here. If our suspicion is right, this was actually really sweet.

A Spoof Of The Smurfs

A Spoof Of The Smurfs


Call A Spade A Spade

If you want to get a forehead tattoo, the least that you can do is to get something less obvious. This is ridiculous, but we have to say that he was also brave for doing this. We are sure that it was painful to have his forehead tattooed. Not only that, but it also took courage to let everyone know what you are.

Call A Spade A Spade

Call A Spade A Spade