The Best Presidents In The History Of The United States

Published on 11/25/2018

Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt was in office from 1901 until 1909. Affectionately called Teddy, he received the admiration of the public for his persuasive speaking talent and administrative and international relations skills. He also scored highly for his overall vision and economic management skills. Among other things, he is credited for the creation of many national parks and forests as well as iconic monuments. He also launched the construction of the Panama Canal and expanded the naval forces. Interestingly, he also negotiated the conclusion of the Russo-Japanese War and earned a Nobel Peace Prize.


Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt


Teddy Roosevelt’s Hobby

If you didn’t know, President Theodore Roosevelt was all about physical contact sport. In one event he was sparring with an office from the Navy at the White House when he received a powerful blow to his left eye. In order to protect his ego, he didn’t reveal until weeks later that he had completely lost vision in that eye.

Teddy Roosevelts Hobby

Teddy Roosevelts Hobby