These Cities Are The Most Miserable Ones In The United States

Published on 05/10/2020

Mansfield, Ohio

Mansfield was once a successful city thanks to all the available industrial jobs it had. Sadly, the work has since dried up as did the whole city. Aside from this, a GM factory shut down operations in 2010 and led to more unemployment in the area. Violent crimes shot up by 37% since 2012.

Mansfield, Ohio

Mansfield, Ohio


Fort Pierce, Florida

There are 46,000 people living in Fort Pierce, and 36% of them live below the poverty line. Thanks to ocean erosion, the sand on the beaches have to be replenished by the city every couple of years. The economy used to rely on citrus farming. However, trade deal changes ended this source of revenue.

Fort Pierce, Florida

Fort Pierce, Florida