Her Husband Left Her Before She Could Tell Him Her Exciting News

Published on 12/04/2019

Gut Feeling

Laura loved spending time with Jack and wished she could spend all of her time with him. She went to visit him at his bar all the time because she just genuinely wanted to spend time next to him. After a while of visiting him frequently, she started to get a weird feeling in her gut that Jack may not be giving her the faithfulness and honesty that she was giving him. She thought he may be cheating on her.

Gut Feeling

Gut Feeling


Feeling Uncertain

Regular bar customers started giving Laura strange looks and she didn’t know why, so she chose to ignore them. She started getting self-conscious, like she was missing some piece of information, but she shrugged it all off. Her feelings of uncertainty ended up not just being suspicions, but she didn’t want to believe that was the case at first.

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Feeling Uncertain