Rachael Ray: Things You Didn’t Know

Published on 11/21/2017

Supporter of Extremism?

Everyone, and we mean everyone, was outraged with what Rachael Ray was wearing in the commercial. Far too many people believed that Ray’s black and white checkered scarf was a message of solidarity with the former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. Fox News were even all up in arms about the scarf. Additionally, Michelle Malkin, a well-known blogger even made harsh remarks. However when it was revealed that the scarf was paisley, and not checkered, it didn’t matter at all.

Supporter Of Extremism

Supporter Of Extremism?



Dunkin’ Donuts actually wound up pulling the commercial as the backlash was so extreme. They came out to say their reason for the withdrawal was ”the possibility of mis-perception detracted from its original intention to promote our iced coffee.” Tons of angry internet “trolls” took to the internet to Photoshop some inappropriate things with Rachael Ray and the scarf. It seemed that with or without the commercial, Dunkin’ Donuts and Rachael Ray were still a laughing matter.

