The Worst-Ever Fashion Trends We Never Want To See Again

Published on 02/22/2021

Sandal Straps Wrapped Around Jeans

Another recent trend, we’ve started noticing that many people choose to wrap the straps of their sandals around the leg of their jeans instead of, well, their legs. For some reason, this trend has taken off and can be seen pretty much everywhere. Online, people seem to be conflicted when creating opinions about this trend. It’s split down the middle – some people hate the trend while others adore it. We have to say we’re on the side that does not like it.

Sandal Straps Wrapped Around Jeans

Sandal Straps Wrapped Around Jeans


Arsenic Dresses

You know how some people can compliment others by saying things along the lines of “that dress is to die for”? Well, in this case, it’s very much true in every sense of the word. In the Victorian era, bottle-green dresses were a huge hit. But to achieve such a color, the fabric would be dyed using large amounts of arsenic. Some women experienced all kinds of nasty side effects as a result like nausea, impaired vision, and skin reactions to the dye. These dresses were only worn on special occasions, but many people still died bringing this trend to the world of fashion at the time.

Arsenic Dresses

Arsenic Dresses