These Flight Attendants Just Told Us All The Secrets Of Flying

Published on 10/02/2018

Leftover Food

If there are some passengers missing from the flight, what happens to their meals? It’s often thrown out because it could have been prepared up to three days before the flight. Still think that flight food is always safe to eat? International flying standards declare food safe to eat until it’s been chilled over five days.

Leftover Food

Leftover Food


Proper Plane Etiquette

While it’s important to treat all service workers with respect and dignity, we want to remind you that it’s in your vested interest to treat flight attendants with a friendly demeanor. Flight attendants can do more than CPR and the Heimlich maneuver to take down a belligerent passenger.  Some are trained in martial arts to the extent that they have the ability to remove the threat of an unruly passenger who is endangering the flight. If that wasn’t enough to convince you to be on your best behavior, in the event of an emergency, they are trained to evacuate the plane is the blink of an eye, all in a calm and controlled manner.

Proper Plane Etiquette

Proper Plane Etiquette