Skip The Hardware Store And Fix These Household Issues With Tin Foil

Published on 01/07/2020

Avoiding Melted Ice-Cream Disasters

We all know that kids can make a big mess no matter what the situation. This is the reason many folks dread bringing home ice cream. After all, it is a surefire way to make a mess out of a clean house!

Avoiding Melted Ice Cream Disasters

Avoiding Melted Ice Cream Disasters

You can avoid messes with the use of aluminum foil. Next time, make sure to wrap tin foil around the ice cream cone to keep their hands from getting sticky. It will also prevent melted ice cream from dripping!


Keeping Bananas Fresh for Longer

Bananas are wonderful fruits that taste delicious and do wonders for your health. However, they are prone to insect attacks and decay faster. The thing you need to do is to prevent air contact. But how?

Keeping Bananas Fresh For Longer

Keeping Bananas Fresh For Longer

It is no longer going to be a problem if you wrap the top stem using tin foil. By doing that, you can enjoy your yellow fruits for a longer period of time. This will give you a couple more days to eat them.