Skip The Hardware Store And Fix These Household Issues With Tin Foil

Published on 01/07/2020

Avoid Welcoming Cockroaches into Your Kitchen

Big cabinets are good since they offer a lot of storage space. However, you must remain vigilant since natural light can’t get inside. We all know that cockroaches and insects love dark and musty places!

Avoid Welcoming Cockroaches Into Your Kitchen

Avoid Welcoming Cockroaches Into Your Kitchen

Where does tin foil come in? Well, you can add sheets of them along the shelves. This is a good idea if you want to keep the insects and cockroaches away. Why? It will increase the light in that space.


Low-Cost Boost to Radiator Efficiency

Nothing beats going home to warm house during the winter days. However, this would not happen if your radiator is not working properly. We have a tip on what to do when the HVAC is out of sorts.

Low Cost Boost To Radiator Efficiency

Low-Cost Boost To Radiator Efficiency

It is not easy to buy a new HVAC all of a sudden. We came up with a cheap alternative that will make you toasty in the meantime. Just wrap some cardboard with foil and put it on the radiator. Easy as pie!