Superfoods For A Healthier Heart

Published on 06/20/2019


If you are a chocoholic, then you will love this. Chocolate is more than just a sweet fix or a dessert. It can also lower the risk of strokes and heart diseases. A research study done by Harvard showed that those who eat raw cocoa regularly have lower blood pressure and they don’t have any issues related to hypertension. The flavanol content of dark chocolate is what helps maintain the good condition of the heart. Regular intake will make the blood vessels more flexible which decreases the risk of developing heart diseases, as well as the blood pressure.





Not many are fans of sardines, and it said to be an acquired taste. However, you should start adding this to your diet for a very good reason. First, this cold fish has a lot of nutrients that help maintain a good heart condition. It contains plenty of omega-3 fatty acids which reduces the levels of triglyceride that are harmful to the blood vessels. Aside from that, it helps increase the levels of high-density lipoprotein. Another health benefit that we can get from sardines is that it reduces inflammation.

