Green Peas
This legume should not be ignored because just like its other family members, it also has a lot of nutritional value. First, it contains little to no calories. Next, it has a lot of protein and fiber. Aside from all that, this kind of pea also comes with plenty of iron and vitamins A, C, and K. These components help in maintaining the heart’s good health, reducing blood pressure, and boosting both the cardiovascular and immune systems.

Green Peas
Almond Butter
If you’re a fan of nuts and their different derivatives, then you’ve probably heard of almond butter. It is quite similar to peanut butter in terms of the monounsaturated fat it contains as well as its taste. Almond doesn’t just have heart-healthy fats, but it also has a lot of antioxidants, vitamin C and E, as well as magnesium. All in all, this superfood can help you maintain good health.

Almond Butter