Hollywood Stars’ Breakthrough Roles That Made Them Famous

Published on 10/04/2018

Anne Hathaway

With Anne Hathaway, breaking into the world of acting wasn’t a very long process. Her very first film was also her breakthrough into Hollywood fame: The Princess Diaries which was released in 2001. A massive commercial success, the movie became iconic as the years passed, with it being today an iconic 2000’s movie. From there, Hathaway went on to star and act in more successful films such as The Devil Wears Prada and more.

Anne Hathaway

Anne Hathaway


Matt Damon

One of the most well-known actors today, Matt Damon had a few years of struggle before making it as a Hollywood star. Having had a difficult time getting recognized as an actor, after several years of this, Damon decided to finish a script he and fellow movie star Ben Affleck had been working on and make it a movie. This script that became a movie was none other than Good Will Hunting. When the movie came out in 1997, it became a massive success and went on to win Oscars and more. With his movie blowing up, Damon instantly became a famous actor and won a few awards himself for the movie. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Matt Damon

Matt Damon