Hollywood Stars’ Breakthrough Roles That Made Them Famous

Published on 10/04/2018

Hailee Steinfeld

Starting her acting career at age 10, Hailee Steinfeld didn’t get her big break until three years later, with the movie True Grit. Since the movie’s release in 2010, she has gone on to play in more movies such as Pitch Perfect, and also release her own music.

Hailee Steinfeld

Hailee Steinfeld


Tom Hanks

These days, Tom Hanks is one of Hollywood’s most known stars, but like most actors, the beginning of his acting career was full of ups and downs until he made a name for himself. Starting his career in 1979 in New York City, Hanks played in a low-budget film. Up to 1988, Hanks played in various movies and made appearances on TV shows but never made it big. That is until he starred in his first successful role in the movie Big which launched him into stardom. As time went on, he continued to develop his acting career with little success. Once he starred in the movie A League of Their Own, his status rose back up again and got his career back on track. From then on he had some more famous releases such as Forrest Gump, Toy Story, and You’ve Got Mail.

Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks