Disgusting Food Concepts That Baby Boomers Refuse To Give Up

Published on 06/17/2024

Juice From Concentrate

Baby Boomers may scoff at the absurdly expensive cost of freshly squeezed juice. We understand, it really does—no one should have to pay $5 for a glass of orange juice. However, there are alternative options that won’t break the bank, including the reasonably priced, freshly squeezed orange juice cartons at your neighborhood shop. Compared to putting up with the inconvenience of concentrated juice from a can, this is a lot better option. Who can recall those? The thawing of the concentrate, the blending of it with water, and the endless waiting for it to become ready. Boomers used to seem to have plenty of free time. To be honest, that seems like a lot more work than it’s worth.

Juice From Concentrate

Juice From Concentrate


TV Dinners

Theoretically, we totally get the appeal of purchasing a full meal at once. Who has the time or energy to shop for hours on end, prepare, cook, and then tackle the dreaded cleanup? The goal was to maximize convenience. Selecting a simple and expedient solution, such as packed meals, simply makes sense. The bad news is that we now understand that these packaged meals weren’t always the healthiest options. Hey, that’s what baby boomers were raised on. Our take on the TV dinner scene? Make a quick dinner, get a plate, and relax in front of the television.

TV Dinners

TV Dinners