Makeup Tips All Older Women Should Know About

Published on 01/09/2017

Apply Foundation At The Center Of Your Face

When you start to apply foundation, be sure to start at the center of your face then blend out. This will allow for the foundation to fade out around the edges which only leaves you with a more natural look.

Apply Foundation At The Center Of Your Face.

Apply Foundation At The Center Of Your Face.


Using this method will leave you with the most natural finish and moreover, it’ll help to prevent mask-like edges of foundation to are visible around your face. Win-win.

Turn A Pencil Eyeliner Into A Gel Formula

Sometimes applying pencil eyeliner can be quite difficult, as the line it creates tends to be very thin. However, applying liquid eyeliner can be even harder. So, we’ve got a trick that’s the perfect happy medium and all you need is a lighter and eyeliner.

Turn Pencil Eyeliner Into Gel Formula

Turn Pencil Eyeliner Into Gel Formula

1) hold your eyeliner (any color works) under the flame (1 second), remove it from the flame and let it cool for 15 seconds, and vuela! You know how have a new liquid eyeliner – glide on your eyelids and enjoy!