Famous Last Words: Celebs and the Words They Left Us With

Published on 01/08/2017

Barry White

Ahh, who could forget the three-time Grammy Award–winner with the distinctive bass-baritone voice and romantic image? No one, that’s who. White is also one of the world’s best selling artists of all time.

Barry White

Barry White


That’s pretty incredible. Sadly in 2003, White passed away at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles with his final words being, “Leave me alone. I’m fine.”

Emily Dickinson

Back in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Emily Dickinson was a rising star as an American poet. Dickinson is still regarded as one of the most significant of all poets.

Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson

Many of her poems confronted the subjects of death and immortality. In 1886, Dickinson passed away with her final words were, “I must go in, for the fog is rising.”