Beets do not only add flavor and color to your salad, but they are also filled with a lot of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals such as betaine and B-vitamin folate. We’d bet that you didn’t know that this superfood can reduce your body’s homocysteine levels. It ultimately earned its spot on this list because of its ability to reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, it also helps strengthen your other organs and it also helps us avoid developing other diseases like cancer.

Salmon might be your favorite kind of fish. It is, after all, pretty good in just about any dish: salad, sushi, and many more. This fish contains a lot of different kinds of nutrients as well as omega-3 fatty acids. Also known as the ‘chicken of the sea,’ it is effective in reducing triglyceride levels, therefore, widening the otherwise constricted blood vessels. This superfood also helps prevent blood clots and other diseases related to the cardiovascular system.
