Eggplant is a tasty vegetable which is amazing both in the oven or on the grill. Not only is it delicious, but it is also full of flavonoids, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and nasunin. One other reason to make sure that you have eggplant in your diet is the fact that it has numerous health benefits like reducing cholesterol, improving blood circulation, preventing blood clots, and generally improving your heart’s health. This superfood also helps in improving cognitive function, cancer prevention, and healing of cell membrane when damaged.

You may have been reprimanded for not finishing the broccoli on your plate when you were younger, but it’s in the past now. This is the time to include it in your stir-fried dishes, pasta, and salads. Broccoli is a superfood that helps strengthen your arteries while lowering your cholesterol level. It has plenty of sulforaphane which helps in preventing diseases related to blood sugar, as well as lessen inflammation.
